Minecraft horror servers are the perfect choice for fans who are looking for a bit of spooky fun. These servers involve a haunted setting, typically with maps that contain scary features such as ghosts, jump-scares, creepy new mobs, and more.

Particularly popular around Halloween, the options listed below are some of the best horror servers that Minecraft players can freely join.

5 scary horror servers that Minecraft players should check out

5) Purple Prison

IP Address: purpleprison.net

Purple Prison takes on the setting of an alien invasion

Purple Prison takes on the premise of a Minecraft jail planet that is in the midst of being overthrown thanks to a hostile alien invasion.

On this server, players navigate through futuristic but treacherous terrain, completing quests, earning money, and battling other players in order to gather enough resources to attempt an escape from the doomed planet.


IP Address: fnaf.serverminer.com

FNAF RP brings the eerie world of FNAP into Minecraft

Fans of the FNAF series might be interested in checking out FNAF RP, a Minecraft server inspired by the FNAF universe.

With a fully custom resource pack, FNAF RP cements itself as a well-polished server that's sure to be a thrilling experience for any horror fan.

3) Dead MC

IP Address: play.deadmc.com

DeadMC is a Minecraft survival experience with a twist of horror

Dead MC describes itself as a "zombie survival server" and offers a Minecraft multiplayer survival experience like no other.

Complete with all the challenges of regular Minecraft survival, Dead MC also throws bloodthirsty zombies into the mix. The only way to make it through the harsh nights on this server is to work together. Players will have to team up in order to defend, loot, and eventually emerge victorious over the zombie population.

2) Murder Mystery - Hypixel

IP Address: hypixel.net

For many, Hypixel needs no introduction as it is Minecraft's most popular and active server. Boasting over 100,000 players at peak times, Hypixel perhaps owes some of its success to its adored horror minigame - Murder Mystery.

Murder Mystery is a horror game of 16 players involving 1 murderer, 1 detective, and 14 innocents. The murderer's job is to kill both the detective and innocents. The murderer has to kill them before being caught by the detective. Meanwhile, the detective's sole job is to stop the murderer.

1) Mining Dead

IP Address: play.miningdead.net

Based on the hit TV series "The Walking Dead," Mining Dead is an epic open-world wasteland set in a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested metropolis.

Founded over seven years ago, Mining Dead has remained one of the most popular dedicated horror servers in the multiplayer server scene, and it's easy to see why. Complete with guns, vehicles, and over 30 unique kits, the server features enough detailed content to feel like its own fully-fledged horror game.

Also Read: 5 best horror maps for Minecraft Java Edition

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