Immaculate Grid is a game that aims to test the knowledge of baseball fans. Through a daily quiz, fans of all ages are able to show how well they know the stars of the MLB, from both the present and past.

The 3 x 3 Immaculate Grid has nine squares, with three clues lined up across each axis. Users must populate the nine spaces with names of relevant MLB stars using the clues provided.

On Sept. 25, the Immaculate Grid asked users to name players who have swiped more than 30 bags in a season while playing for the Chicago White Sox. Let's examine some possible answers.

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Players who have stolen 30 bases for the Chicago White Sox in a season | MLB Immaculate Grid September 25

While outfielder Juan Pierre never garnered a single All-Star distinction over the course of his 14-year career, he sure could run. By the time Pierre arrived in Chicago in 2010, the then-32-year-old had led the league in steals twice, once with the 2001 Colorado Rockies, and again with the Florida Marlins in 2003.

In 2010, Pierre stole 68 bases for the White Sox. Not only did this lead the league that season, but it continues to occupy second place on the all-time single-season franchise steals leaderboard.

"Sometime I forget that Juan Pierre has 68 stolen bases for the Sox in 2010" - ChiSoxPanda

After years as a star for the now-defunct Montreal Expos, left fielder Tim Raines came to the Chicago White Sox in 1991. In his first season with the team, Raines stole 51 bases, while hitting .268/.359/.345. While not a power hitter, Raines is regarded as one of the best leadoff hitters ever.

A two-time World Series winner with the New York Yankees in his later career, Raines was a four-time steals leader and a seven-time All-Star. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2017.

In 2002, Scott Podsednik finished as a Rookie of the Year runner-up after slashing .314/.379/.413 with nine home runs and 58 RBIs as a member of the Milwaukee Brewers. The following season, his 70 stolen bases led the league in the category. In his first season with the Sox, in 2005, the outfielder snagged 59 bases. Later that year, Podsednik hit a leadoff home run in Game 2 as his team went on to win its first World Series in almost 100 years.

October 23, 2005 | Scott Podsednik hits a walk-off home run to give the White Sox a 2-0 lead in the #World Series. The '05 #White Sox don't get enough love" - This Day in Chicago Sports

Center fielder Rudy Law owns the all-time single-season steals record for the White Sox, swiping 77 of them in 1983. Law hit .318/.361/.438 that year, and was pivotal in helping the Chicago White Sox win their first AL Central title in over 30 years. However, a marked decline in his stats led Law to an early retirement, calling it quits before he turned 30.

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